ChatGPT Me? – Blog #28


I had a great idea this week: I would feed ChatGPT my writing, and it would write a story for me about my future. It did not work like I was hoping, but I got to experiment more with the AI chat bot.

This is what I was able to create with ChatGPT:

“In the chapters of my life story, I find myself standing at a reflective crossroads, peering back at the threads that have woven the unique tapestry of my experiences. I am Tristan, and as I take this introspective journey, the narrative unfolds, revealing a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of aspirations.

My early years were shaped within the embrace of a close-knit, multicultural community, raised by a single mother. Life’s ebbs and flows became the backdrop for my growth, drawing strength from the rich tapestry of family stories and traditions. These early lessons became the guiding compass, navigating me through the labyrinth of uncertainties.

Adolescence ushered in a transformative period, where the seeds of curiosity and a fervent desire for self-discovery took root within me. Faced with personal hurdles and societal expectations, I confronted challenges head-on, emerging from each trial stronger and more resilient. These were the years where I painted a portrait of a person unbound by limitations, eagerly embracing the journey towards greatness.

As the halls of academia beckoned, I found myself on the brink of a new chapter. Acceptance into a prestigious university marked a defining moment, where the sprawling campus not only symbolized a haven for knowledge but also held the promise of untapped opportunities. Academic pursuits intertwined seamlessly with the exploration of personal passions, creating a harmonious symphony of intellectual growth and self-expression.

Within the university’s social dynamics, I encountered the complexities of relationships and hierarchies. Navigating these waters, I discovered the profound significance of authenticity and empathy, challenging established norms and advocating for inclusivity. The concept of ‘minimum perceived impact’ struck a chord, urging me to critically examine and reshape the narratives that defined social structures.

The labyrinth of self-discovery unfolded as I delved into the layers of my identity. Embracing the uniqueness of my journey, I grappled with the tension between my past self and the person I aspired to become. This perpetual tug of war became a driving force, propelling me towards a future defined by unyielding confidence and a sense of purpose.

Genuine relationships blossomed within the university community, becoming a source of support and shared aspirations. I expressed gratitude for the communal spirit that defined the environment, recognizing the blend of intimacy and ambition as a catalyst for personal growth. As a new chapter unfolded, I eagerly embraced fresh experiences, driven by a diverse range of interests and a thirst for knowledge.

The final act of my narrative unveiled aspirations for future endeavors. The tapestry of my identity, woven with threads of diverse experiences and resilience, pointed towards a path illuminated by networks and opportunities. As this chapter drew to a close, I cast a gaze at the horizon of the future, fueled by the quest for self-discovery. The ensuing years held the promise of exploring the limits of personal and professional growth, an expedition into uncharted territories where I aimed to carve a niche that sets me apart.

In this reflective narrative, I, Tristan, emerge triumphant, poised to script new chapters, embrace challenges, and etch a legacy that transcends the ordinary—all while navigating the complexities of life’s unfolding story.” 

(Text generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI, February 24, 2024,

AI is advanced, but it is still in its adolescence. I am only using ChatGPT 3.5, so it is possible that I am just limited by the free version. What is the current version of ChatGPT when you are reading this? Do people still use ChatGPT, or is there a new king in town?

I want to experiment more with AI here. I never want it to take over what I do because that would remove all meaning from this blog. Most of what I currently have to offer here is my independent thoughts, so that would be foolish. I want to experiment with AI more to gain a better understanding of its capabilities. It is also foolish to remain ignorant about emerging technologies. It is even worse to become despondent or vilify a powerful tool. We will see what I can come up with.


As I have mentioned repeatedly over the last couple of weeks, I have been too busy to dedicate the time that I would like to dedicate to this blog. I also have not been able to dedicate as much time to exploring my own thoughts outside of my blog posts. So many thoughts flow across my mind. I can only hope that the future me is privileged to experiences that respawn the thought. Then, maybe the future version of me can document my ideas. Even if just for myself. Not to get meta, but I at least got this idea about losing ideas down. 

It is possible that if I forget a thought, it was not worth memorizing anyway. With that interpretation, I can find some relief from the loss, but I do not believe that this is the reality. I believe that most ideas on their own are fairly worthless, but a trivial idea can spark a chain of thoughts that lead to something much more profound. There is some kind of butterfly effect here. The good and bad of this is that it is impossible for me to predict the value of one thought. The bad is that I will never know the possibilities that come from my recent lost ideas. This is another sacrifice, an opportunity cost associated with everything I am doing with my education. I would not trade the opportunities that I have exposed myself to this week for any amount of rudimentary thoughts, so I should just forget about forgetting and move on.

Thank you for reading my rant…

That is all that I have for this week. We are getting close to Spring Break! Yip-pi! It has been Tristan from HQ; no AI is replacing me today… I will catch you all next week! Bye Bye!

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